Beautiful or ugly website – you choose

Beautiful or ugly website – you choose

If you ask most people if they want to have a beautiful or ugly website to showcase their products, then it’s a reasonable assumption that most would answer beautiful. But in the real world, that’s not what they choose.

There are so many examples of shopping cart websites that can be described as nothing less than tragic – full of word processor clipart, multi-coloured flashing text, unaligned product descriptions, different font sizes, header images so large that you have to scroll to see all of them, a colour scheme that makes you cringe.

It’s not that they haven’t tried. The problem is that there are too many do it yourself ecommerce templates out there combined with a lot of people with great ideas but not the experience to implement them (or the money to pay a professional to do it).

There are also many providers with a huge multitude of professional looking designs, but you have to customise them yourself to make them look different from competitors. 

If you were opening a new physical shops, you would pay an electrician to put in your lights, a decorator to set up the interior design, and a signwriter to set up the display out side. We believe that there is limited scope for do-it-yourself design tools except for the very simple of sites, for the very uncompetitive of industries, or for those with the skills themselves or money to hire a professional graphic designer.

That’s why we include graphics and colour personalisation of our amazing base designs as standard with Ozcart. There’s no paying a $1,000+ for customisation, a designer by the hour, or having to take the time to not only construct a web design for yourself but cut it into HTML. We take the base designs in our collection and will modify the graphics in it and the colour scheme. If the design includes sliders, then we’ll create that. If it includes big images on the front, then we’ll stylise them for your business too. Or include yours if you already have them available.

Where else will you get that included in a competitive setup price that’s the same for a small business and a corporate enterprise store? Have a look for yourself, most of our competitors would charge $1,500+ for professional colour and graphics customisation. We believe in a unique Australian ecommerce solution that’s affordable for all business.

The cart with a difference is Ozcart®.

Ozcart Ecommerce

Ozcart has been in business since 2006 and is an online, hosted shopping cart that you can use for your current or new online store. We offer so many features for the same low price. In fact, we are addicted to adding new ones to ensure that we remain one of the best choices for a shopping cart.

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