Published on May 14, 2010 Congratulations Jessica Watson! You’re an Australian inspiration
Later this morning, 16 year old Australian solo sailor Jessica Watson will sail into Sydney harbour and complete her incredible around-the-world journey. When she finishes she will have overcome the skeptics who told her she could never complete the journey, overcome the record keepers who told her that she was too young and didn’t go far enough, overcome the loneliness of seven straight months in rough sea and overcome everything that mother nature could throw at her.
While we have all been occupied by the upward pressure on interest rates, housing prices, the exchange rate, the state of the economy, the budget, taxes, superannuation, elections, climate change, fair trading practices and political leaders, Jessica has been back to basics, braving the elements in her small, 20 year old, 34ft (10m) yacht. Her around-the-world challenge has been totally unassisted and we think her achievement is truly inspirational for anyone who has been thinking of doing something and not sure whether to give it a go.
“You don’t have to be someone special to achieve something big”, says Jessica, “you just have to want it”. These are telling words. If you’re trying to decide whether to start a business you have always wanted to run, or just do something you have been thinking about for a while, take some inspiration from what Jessica has achieved. If a 16 year old can sail around the world by herself, in spite of all her sceptics and succeed, why can’t you do what you have always wanted to?
Single-handedly, she has proved her doubters wrong and grabbed the attention of the entire world. Her blog has consistently registered over a million hits a week from over 170 countries, and she is now being inundated with offers from many companies trying to cash in on her success. If you haven’t been following her blog during her journey, we suggest you take a look – it makes an interesting read and is very inspirational for us all.
From all of us at Ozcart, congratulations Jessica on your truly amazing achievement. You’re an inspiration for anyone. Take a leaf out of her book and give it a go!
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