Downloadable products made easy

Downloadable products made easy

If you’re selling downloadable products like ebooks or music, Ozcart can help make it easy. There are just two basic steps to setting them up: defining your product as a downloadable product and then uploading the file that you wish to have distributed when the order is paid for.

Both of these steps can be accomplished on the product editing screen, where you can tick a box to make a product “downloadable”, define whether it also has a physical component that must be sent (e.g. a physical manual that gets sent out) and whether time limits apply to the download or whether it’s available forever.

On the same product editing screen there’s also a tab where you can upload your downloadable file. You get the following options:

  • When the downloadable product will become available: when you approve the download, as soon as the order is placed, or after it is paid for (when the order status is changed to complete)
  • The maximum number of times the file can be downloaded
  • Any license agreement that you wish to apply – this is a text field you can just paste into
  • Whether customers must tick to agree to your terms before downloading the item
  • Any particular “readme” instructions you wish to distribute with the item – install or use instructions for example.

The customer will then be able to download the file subject to the rules you have defined.

Ozcart Ecommerce

Ozcart has been in business since 2006 and is an online, hosted shopping cart that you can use for your current or new online store. We offer so many features for the same low price. In fact, we are addicted to adding new ones to ensure that we remain one of the best choices for a shopping cart.

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