Making the most from Twitter

Making the most from Twitter

Twitter is an exceptionally powerful marketing tool that can really help you in your online marketing efforts. There’s a lot of advice that is bantered about of all the various things that you can do to take advantage of this incredible marketing tool.

What Twitter business advice should you believe? According to the recent Twitter statistics, one of the biggest factors in getting the most from Twitter is simply thinking about what you Tweet and how you Tweet it.

Content: original and useful

Just like the products you sell on your site must be interesting, relevant and useful for the people you are selling them to, so must your website content.  After all, would you really want to eat someone else’s leftover hamburger?

You can make content original by adding your own thoughts and opinions. If you get your ideas of other’s newsletters, news stories, magazines or Twitter posts that’s okay the key to offering your followers something useful is adding your own opinion to it. How does it help your particular customers?

Some ecommerce applications of a Twitter account are informing customers when products are in stock, when there are new arrivals in your store, on trends in your industry and how they will relate to products in your store, to offer special discounts to your Twitter followers in your store (coupon codes for example). And of course, breaking news.

This is not to say that you should only offer original content – retweeting other people’s content or posts is also good Twitter ettiquette but only if it is relevant to your target audience. If you retweet rubbish you can watch your Twitter followers drop like dominos. Only Tweet something that you would be prepared to tell someone on the phone or face to face if you were presenting to them.

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