Published on May 14, 2010 User Backlash: How to delete your Facebook account
Social websites like Facebook are a crucial part of any businesses online marketing strategy but a recent change in Facebook’s privacy policy has led to a massive backlash against this social website giant’s membership. Are you wondering, how many people use Facebook? Well, it is not confirmed yet, but surprisingly, many people want to delete their Facebook account. In fact, the phrase “how to delete your Facebook account” has even become a hot trend search on Google and mentioned on several news and search engine marketing websites this week. This article covers two things:
- What is so bad about Facebook’s new privacy policy; and
- For those of you with accounts who are joining the backlash: how do you delete a Facebook account?
Privacy issues
Facebook recently introduced new privacy rules which makes more information publicly available about each individual, unless they go into their account and tell Facebook to keep it private. In addition, more information than ever about an individual is shared with third parties by default.
There’s an active complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (the US equivalent of the ACCC) against Facebook arguing that these changes are not only very hard for the average user to understand weighing in at 6,000 words but a breach of consumer protection legislation. (BTW 6,000 words is approximately 6-12 A4 pages of text printed using a 12 point font and longer than the original US constitution!)
Steps to permanently delete your Facebook account
If you want to join the backlash, there’s no obvious or easy way to delete your account, but it can be done!
Here’s how:
- Log into your Facebook account
- Copy and paste the following into the address bar of your browser to go to the Facebook delete form:
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