Published on August 06, 2020 Ozcart V5: New features released from March, 2020 to August, 2020
We have released exciting new features along with multiple improvements and bug fixes. You’ll find the changelog below. Make sure to read it to take advantage of these new features.
Important: Since we have added some new features, you must give permission to your staff group (and your own admin account) to be able to use them. Go to Staff > Staff Groups > Edit your staff group > Either click on Select All for both Access and Modify permissions or select the relevant permissions. Save. This message will be repeated at the bottom of this message.
New features:
- Added a description text area to Brands (Products > Brands) to help you introduce your brands. When you add text there, it will now show up before the brand product list.
Tools > Export / Import, when you select Orders, you can now filter by date and select which brand you’d like to see in the exported file. Not selecting any brand will show all orders with and without brands. Not filtering by date will show all dates. - Add & edit multiple products. We have removed the “Mass edit product specifics” as it wasn’t working as intended. We have replaced it with a much better system to add and edit multiple product specifics. You must activate it in Design > Blocks (Mass Add & Edit Products) and activate the staff group permissions to use this. See the instructions at the beginning or end of this message. You will find it under Products.
- Disable the add to cart button. You can now disable the ability of anyone clicking on the Add To Cart button. You can enable that at any time or have it set to only enable that option when a product is out of stock, for all or certain products, categories, and brands. Change the text that appears on that button or set it to use the Out Of Stock Status text. View the documentation to learn more. You must activate it in Design > Blocks (Disable Add To Cart) and activate the staff group permissions to use this. See the instructions at the beginning or end of this message. You will find it under Products.
- When a product is out of stock, you will no longer see the green check mark next to Availability on your storefront’s product page. This was confusing to visitors and to store owners. It now shows a red cross. It has its own CSS class so that you can edit its colour.
- Updated Summernote text editor to the latest version.
- Updated CKEditor text editor to the latest v4 version.
- Added the accessibility checker to CKEditor. It’s a new button next to the Save icon on the toolbar.
- Improved the comment text area on the admin Orders list page as it was overflowing to the right.
- Increased height of each order row on the Orders list page.
- Added the box expander for ‘Pending order status’ in Store Settings > General Settings > Options > Checkout.
- Expanded a box to show all CAPTCHAS in Store Settings > General Settings > Options > CAPTCHA.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug affecting the Media Manager pagination where it was showing empty pages.
- We fixed some bugs that prevented you from sending newsletters to more than 10 customers in Customer Groups.
- Got rid of an error message that appeared at the top of the maintenance page when you were using custom fonts in Design > Theme Settings > Font.
- Order list layout bug fix.
- PayPal Payments Standard, Total Maximum Limit: fix for the placeholder name and fix for the functionality. It’s now called Maximum Order Total.
- Fixed bug preventing access to the Design > Mega Menu page and the Live Mega Menu Editor.
Important: Since we have added some new features, you must give permission to your staff group (and your own admin account) to be able to use them. Go to Staff > Staff Groups > Edit your staff group > Either click on Select All for both Access and Modify permissions or select the relevant permissions. Save. This message will be repeated at the bottom of this message.
If there’s anything that we can do for you, don’t hesitate to let us know!
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